
Garden yoga at Wild Fairmount

I welcome you to our private, quiet, beautiful Brixton garden to practice yoga under the canopy of our honey locust tree. There is ample room to practice a healthy distance apart and feel safe in your own space. And if the weather turns we have some indoor space too. Everyone is welcome! Booking is essential,…

Knowing what you need

Life gets a rather crazy over Christmas and chances are things ran away with you a little! Then January hits and you vow to do your yoga practice twice a day and only eat green soup with gluten free crackers and never let sugar pass your lips again…. help! and by January 20th or maybe…

Cultivating Your Creative Core

I am often asked what the best way is to strengthen our core. And really it is simple. Use your body well, do the work and build awareness. Here is how… The breathing is often the last thing that comes together in our yoga practice but it is the most important. The breath is what…

What is your Wild Abandonment?

What does Wild Abandonment mean to you? If you are a mother it could mean leaving your baby at the coat check while you dance the night away and if you are a gardener you have an image of your flowers ravaged by weeds. At first glance it can seem like a negative, something frivolous,…

You can do Yoga!

Simple steps to overcoming the initial challenges of Yoga. 1.   Start at the beginning You maybe sporty and fit but yoga is complex and getting to know it and feel comfortable with it can take a few sessions. It is understandably disheartening to see the person next to you wrap their leg around their head…