As much as I love to be grounded and at home there is a large part of my soul that is an adventurer. Throughout my life I have travelled, exploring different countries and cultures. I would pack my bag for a week or two and end up staying months, I planned to be in Rome a year and ended up spending two!
It’s been 10 years since my last extra long adventure in Mexico and Wooddy and I are ready for the next chapter together……. This September we are off to Southern Spain. For a new, hot, beach filled adventure. The sea is our balm and we didn’t want to be too far away from family so we knew we had to be on the Mediterranean. who knows how long we will be there!
It feels exciting but I am also nervous, I’ve never moved my entire family before. My children where both born at home in London so leaving feels harder than usual. Before I could just pack my bag, get my classes covered and escape in minutes. Now I have a whole house to pack up and schools to think about. The reality of moving feels more like uprooting a tree. I’m not good at pushing through when I meet barriers, so often I will just change tact and try something else that feels easier! But now I have to face this stuff head on. I have a destination and I need to keep focused on the prize!
I am so clear in my heart that this adventure is the right thing, for me and Wooddy it is a dream we have always wanted. I have longed for my children to be freer, run on the beach and swim in the sea. And my duty now is to make this happen.
We have 11 weeks until Ostara & River start at their new school in Malaga.
This is count down to our next adventure………